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Updated to 08/02/2024
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OXI: Ministry of Housing and UNACEM sign agreement to build water and sanitation project in Junín

  • The approximate investment amount for this project is S/. 5.5 million and it will be financed by UNACEM under the Works for Taxes (OxI) scheme.
  • In addition, the company will invest approximately S/. 4 million for the construction of a new WWTP to treat the community’s waste water.

Tarma, August 03, 2022.- The Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) and UNACEM signed an agreement to finance and build improved drinking water and sanitation services in Condorcancha, district of La Unión, province of Tarma, Junín, under the Works for Taxes (OxI) scheme.

This work, estimated to cost S/. 5 538 518, will be financed by UNACEM and will give approximately 940 residents of Condorcocha access to these basic services, helping to improve their quality of life.

Through the installation of 221 basic sanitation units (BSU), equipped with showers, sinks and toilets, a total of 217 homes, one health post, one school and two social users will be provided with basic services.

OxI also contemplates the construction of a new reservoir and improvements to an existing one, as well as the construction of two water intakes and the installation of more than 4.6 kilometers of mains, 1.6 kilometers of drinking water distribution pipes and 5.1 kilometers of sewers.

In addition, the project will generate more than 30 jobs during execution, which will help to boost the local economy.

Working together

The Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Geiner Alvarado, emphasized that the State and private enterprise are joining forces to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of this area. “Closing social gaps, especially in rural areas where the needs are greater, requires the joint efforts of the public and private sectors,” he remarked.

Eduardo Sánchez, general manager of UNACEM, expressed the company’s enthusiasm for the opportunity to continue helping with the development of neighboring communities. “UNACEM contributes and participates in the development of its areas of influence and the country at large. This time, through the OxI mechanism and in coordination with local authorities, we will help to improve the living conditions of a place closely linked to the company’s history”, he explained.

After signing the agreement, UNACEM will have four months to prepare the OxI technical dossier, which the MVCS will evaluate through its National Rural Sanitation Program (PNSR). Work is scheduled to begin by the end of this year and is expected to take about six months to complete.

WWTP for Condorcocha

Furthermore and in addition to the OxI project financing, UNACEM will invest approximately S/4 million in the construction of a new waste water treatment plant (WWTP) to receive and treat effluent from the town of Condorcocha.

It should be noted that the Municipality of Centro Poblado Condorcocha, the District Municipality of La Unión Leticia and the Condorcocha Sanitation Service Administration Board (JASS) are also taking part in this project. The latter will be responsible for operating the water and sewage system and administering any charges that may be required to cover the cost of maintenance.