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Updated to 08/02/2024


million soles of economic value distributed in 2022
We are the principal producer and distributor of cement in the country.
+6.6 million mt of cement produced in 2022

Committed to a sustainable society

We generate value for our different stakeholders through business continuity and the company's sustainability over time.


  • Reuniones 1 a 1.
  • Videoconferencias y publicaciones trimestrales.
  • Presentaciones en 11 videoconferencias locales e internacionales.

Suppliers contracted: :


suppliers contracted in 2022

Our clients, our pride.

Making Master Builders Program


loyal clients in the Progre-Sol network
90% client satisfaction

Progresol hardware store network



Certified anti-corruption policy and anti-bribery system.

Código de Ética y Conducta (CODEC)

A guide based on our values for a responsible relationship with our stakeholders.

Sistema Integral de Denuncias

All anonymous complaints (PwC) are investigated and addressed by the board of directors' Ethics and Good Conduct Committee.

Transparencia en la Cadena de Valor

Sustainability reports to GRI standard. Competitiveness improved by identifying and managing reputational risks.