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Updated to 08/02/2024
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Condorcocha residents now have piped water and mains drainage in their homes

  • Expanded and improved drinking water and mains drainage works benefiting more than 220 families in the area were opened in a public ceremony. 
  • The works were financed and executed by cement manufacturers UNACEM, in coordination with the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, the Municipality of La Unión Leticia and the Municipality of Condorcocha, under the works in lieu of taxes scheme.

Junín, July 2024.- The village of Condorcocha, in the district of La Unión Leticia, Tarma (Junín), celebrated the handing over of an important project with a direct impact on its inhabitants’ quality of life. The official commissioning of the expanded drinking water and sanitation infrastructure in this village, which is benefiting more than 220 families, took place thanks to a joint effort between UNACEM, the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation and the Municipality of La Union Leticia.

The ceremony began with a Mass in the main square of Condorcocha and a tour of the waste water treatment plant. Present were the head of projects technical unit of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation Jose Revilla, Congressman Edgar Raymundo, the Mayor of Tarma Walter Jimenez, the Mayor of the Municipality of La Unión Leticia Pedro Luis López Carrasco, the Mayor of the Municipality of Condorcocha Marcelina Terrel and UNACEM’s Condorocha plant operations manager, Héctor Leyva, among other dignitaries.

“At UNACEM we seek to be an ally of local communities and a key player in promoting improvements to our neighbors’ quality of life. We know that access to safe drinking water and an adequate sewage system radically improves people’s living conditions. We also consider cement to be an indispensable material in the construction of the infrastructure that drives the development and progress of our communities. For this reason, we are proud to hand over this important project that today benefits more than 220 families in this village and has the potential to benefit many more,” said Hector Leyva.

As part of the project, a new 55 m3 reservoir was built and more than 5,600 meters of distribution piping were installed to connect households to the drinking water system. Furthermore, WCs were installed in homes with connections to the mains water and drainage systems. The project was financed by UNACEM under the Works for Taxes scheme. The amount invested was S/ 7.5 million.

UNACEM also invested approximately S/7 million in the construction of the new Condorcocha Waste water Treatment Plant (PTAR Condorcocha), which will process and treat waste water from the entire community. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, it ensures that 100% of the effluent generated is processed and cleaned, allowing it to be reused in future processes. It is worth remembering that the foundation stone of the project was laid on July 4, 2023 and the work has been successfully completed in less than a year.

The implementation of advanced technology and the use of cement as a fundamental pillar for the construction of solid and durable infrastructure, undoubtedly demonstrate that sustainable development is possible when efforts and resources are pooled.