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Updated to 08/02/2024
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UNACEM achieves its third star in the Ministry of the Environment’s Carbon Footprint Program

  • This award is only given to those companies that have calculated and verified their greenhouse gas emissions for at least two consecutive years, and have achieved a reduction in both.
  • The company, which produces Sol, Andino and Apu cements, has a road map that aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Lima, July 2024.- UNACEM, the country’s leading cement producer, received its third star in the Carbon Footprint Program run by the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM). This recognition reflects the company’s continual effort to mitigate its environmental footprint and positions it as a benchmark in the fight against climate change.

UNACEM has now become the first cement manufacturer in the country to achieve this recognition, which is only awarded to companies that have calculated and verified their greenhouse gas emissions for at least two consecutive years and achieved a reduction from the first to the second measurement.

“UNACEM and our Sol, Andino and Apu cement brands, remain committed to reducing our emissions and continuing on our path to carbon neutrality by 2050. We have a road map based on five main lines of action: 1) reduction in the percentage of clinker in cement, 2) progressive reduction in fossil fuel consumption, 3) greater electrical and thermal efficiency in our production process, 4) carbon capture and offsetting, making use of technology or nature-based solutions, and 5) investment in innovation and development”, says Carlos Adrianzén, UNACEM’s Safety, Environment and Sustainability Manager.

UNACEM’s Amancay Sanctuary is part of the Carbon Capture and Offsetting effort, it is the first private conservation area in Metropolitan Lima. This area, of about 800 hectares, contributes to the conservation of about 180 species of flora and fauna and is a refuge for the Amancay flower, a symbol of Lima that blooms in winter, at the end of June.

The Ministry of the Environment’s Carbon Footprint Peru program is an official state tool that recognizes those public and private organizations that manage their greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of the environment. The program is supported by MINAM’s Project for the Implementation of Climate Goals and with technical assistance from the United Nations Development Program, as part of the International Climate Protection Initiative.